When's the Right Time to Give Flowers to your Date?

After scanning through a load of Flirtify members on the Encounters game, you've found a match and exchanged a few messages (getting butterflies every time they reply... eek!)

Everything's going really well so it's time to meet in the flesh so to speak... it's important to check if their as charming in real life as their coming across online and on text.

It's all well and good having fun online but the real test is feeling sexual chemistry when you meet in person. Otherwise you've just found yourself another friend ( not why you're paying to use a dating site)so get out there and meet up for real.

They'll be loads of decisions and scenarios going through your mind at this point like; panicking where to meet up; is it dull suggesting the cinema? is that pub in town posh enough? Manically chatting to yourself not to mention the ex too much and to avoid the urge to ask how many sexual partners they've had.

Let's not forget that for the lads there's also the extra decision to make. Should they give their date a lovely bunch of flowers or not? Decisions.

So when do you thinks the right time to give flowers to your date?
  • First? 
  • Second? 
  • Third? 
  • Is it only relevant on special occasions?
  • or is it just an old fashioned thing that the older generation of guys like your dad feel obliged to do?
  • Also can women give flowers to their dates as well? Lads - how would you feel about that? embarrassed or secretly flattered? hmmm it's a toughie.
There's so many questions but one things for sure you'll never get bored whilst you're looking for love. With a barrage of emotions to go through daily hourly, new people to meet and experiences to share - Enjoy it!

Flirtify - Let's get together!


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