How Long should you Wait before Asking to Meet in Person?

So you’ve been chatting to someone, you’re interested and you think the feeling maybe mutual, but now what? Meeting in person perhaps is crucial step... but just how long should you wait before you suggest or agree to it?

Meeting up almost immediately

There are those who like to meet as soon as possible, especially if you live locally to one another. This can be done very safely – you know the sort of thing we’re talking about, a daytime coffee in a local café, perfect for deciding if you’d like to get to know each other a little better.

The advantages are simple; you can learn more about someone within the first 5 minutes of meeting them than you can from hours of carefully constructed emails. Planning to grab a quick coffee also gives you less time to get anxious or self-conscious because there’s less build up. Then there’s your finances – coffee is pretty inexpensive, certainly compared to a more traditional dinner date, meaning you could meet lots of dates without the expense!

Waiting for a sign

The majority of us choose to wait it out until we're sure that the other person is interested before suggesting to meet up.Sharing information about your hobbies, plans, likes and dislikes over email will help you to discover more about each other, and if you have things in common.

It can take time, but it may be worth waiting if you want some assurances before suggesting to meet in person. The only downside is that the longer the ‘getting to know you’ part is, the bigger the potential disappointment if when you meet there’s no chemistry.

Just how long is too long?

Circumstances, distance and other factors all play a part, but the main thing is that you're happy about the possibility of meeting in person. If distance is an issue though you could talk on the phone, or Skype one another to help you decide whether to overcome the obstacles. 

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