January Weekends

They’re cold. They’re grey. They’re just a little bit miserable. But, you know what they say; misery loves company. If you fancy making your winter weekends a little more colourful, find someone at Flirtify to share them with.


Instead of staying in bed watching Netflix on your own, make a date of it and have a movie marathon. Bring snacks. Make a fort. Basically, behave like kids again, which is always a lot of fun.


You could sit and stare at the gloomy weather out the window all day. Or, you could find someone on Flirtify and go out walking in it. The good thing about this country is that we’re used to grim weather, so you might as well go out in it anyway. Just wrap up warm. And maybe even hold hands to keep it toasty.


One thing that seems to be even better in cold weather is a pub lunch. Sure, you could go out on your own, but it’s just not as much fun, is it? So much better when you can cosy up with someone, share food (if you’re that way inclined), and enjoy each other’s company in the warm whilst the storm rages outside.


Something that always seems to happen in January is booking holidays. Isn’t it great when it’s raining outside and you’ve just booked to go somewhere warm for the weekend next month? This is even more fun to plan with a partner. A romantic trip away is just the thing everyone needs to look forward to in January.


Cinema, bowling, mini golf… we hate to say it, but all the indoor activities seem better suited for two than for one. So, if you’re looking to both enjoy and avoid the cold, grey weather by sharing it with someone, head to Flirtify and heat up your winter.



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