The 10 weirdest summer ‘Bucket List’ suggestions on the internet

Ah, summer. The season of getaways, doing everything outdoors, and most importantly, trying new things.

Whether you believe in the ‘Summer Bucket List’ or not, the internet has some great ideas about what you should be getting up to – some good, some completely bizarre.

Here’s 10 strange summer bucket list items we’ve collected from blogs and Pinterest boards around the world. Prepare to be inspired.

1) ‘Go into an airport and buy tickets for a random flight’


We know we’re all desperate for a week away at this time of the year, but why leave it to chance? Just think of the issues when you turn up in western Siberia in your bikini.

If this is your idea of fun, enjoy that final call for passengers flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Eep.

2) ‘Wash the car in your swimsuit’


Yes, this was actually a suggestion.

Though we’re sure we can pull off the ‘Playboy Bunny’ vibe, we’re actually getting inspo for this from Instagram legend Celeste Barber.

3) 'Dance in the rain'


You know that summer cold you can’t shake off? Yeah, that.

4) 'Bury a time capsule'


We’re intrigued by the idea, but we’re also struggling to think what we’d put in - that abnormally large crisp we’ve been saving to wow friends and family? A photocopy of our Driving Theory certificate?

Excuse us whilst we say a prayer for our valueless lives...

5) 'Sit on a roof and stargaze'


We’re all for cheap/free ideas for the summer –but you know what isn’t cheap?

Replacing roof tiles.

6) 'Say "yes" to everything for a whole day'


We're not going to get into the legal complications of this one- but even so, you’d have to be careful who you tell. Otherwise, you’ll basically be saying ‘yes’ to a whole day of cleaning...

7) Skinny Dipping


Think less sexy glamour and more logistics- how will you get out? Do you have an escape route if you get caught? How will you dry yourself off to get back into your clothes? Are there curious fish in the water? These are all important questions.

8) Build a beach bonfire


It’s probably do-able in the US, but we’re sure we might get more than a few dirty looks if we tried this at Skegness.

You just know someone will bring a few bin bags and aerosols, and drop them right on.

9) Audition for a reality TV show


Potentially a good idea, but which reality TV show will you choose? One where you’re stranded on an island with 12 weirdos? One where you travel all the way to London for a blind date, only to be stood up? Or the one where people accuse you of hoarding in your own home? Decisions decisions.

10) Run through fields of wheat


This one was contributed by a well-known politician: as it ‘May’ seem, it’s a very naughty idea. Although you’ll get a good Instagram picture, you’ll be hurting the feelings of farmers worldwide.

We have a better suggestion for you: why not try Flirtify?

With no wheat fields, rooftops, time capsules - or even swiping left - required, Flirtify is the best way to reawaken your love life this summer.

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