Festive Fallouts Solved...

Advise on staying attached this Christmas and avoiding those common festive fallouts...
you're welcome!  

Tis the season to be jolly, or so the carol goes. But what happens when it all goes a bit ‘partridge in a pear tree’-shaped?

Dating at Christmas means you have to consider more than just your own family arrangements – and no family is the same. From arguing over where to go to the awful moment you realise they’ve got you a terrible gift we’ve come up with some top tips to help you avoid awkward Yuletide situations at all costs.
Your family or theirs?
Sooner or later, the issue of “whose family should we spend Christmas with?” is bound to come up.
Tricky, as you’ll both have your own holiday traditions and you may not have ever envisaged changing yours, but there will come a time in your life when you’ll have to compromise with the person you’re dating. It’s important that you make this decision before the big day to avoid any table awkwardness - perhaps you could split the day, perhaps you could wake up together and go your separate ways, or meet up in the evening? This should help to avoid a sherry-fuelled fall out!
The awkward moment when…
…you don’t like your present.
Over the years, you’ve probably practised your “Ahh it’s perfect” line on those unwanted knitted scarves and yet another set of PJ’s! However, when dating, honesty is the best policy. So, once you’re away from prying eyes, just gently mention to your partner that while you love the sentiment, you’d perhaps prefer something you’ll wear or use more often (to remind you of them more often) and the gift they’ve got isn’t perhaps what you’d have chosen.
Or, avoid this situation altogether by writing a list of things you’d really love and make sure they know you hate surprises!
Take it easy
While you may not be looking forward to some of your Christmas plans, try and keep your drinking to a minimum – as tempting as it may be to try and calm your nerves with a few mulled wines – keeping the drinking to a minimum will stop you from saying something you could regret later, falling over, or ruining a competitive game of charades!
Who knows, you may enjoy the festivities and potentially create some cherished memories together after all this fretting!

Flirtify - because it’s Christmas x


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