How to have the Confidence of an Alpha-Male...

Given the choice of an alpha-male such as 007 or 'The Big Bang Theory's' geek Leonard, the majority of women... certainly that we've spoken to, would only reply with Bond.

Why? Well despite being dashingly good looking and saving the world he also has confidence - one of the most attractive qualities a person can posses.

So, we've come up with 7 tips and tricks on becoming an alpha-male just like Bond - these tips will help you improve your allure in no time!

Eye contact
A confident man holds his gaze. Don't be afraid to try to hold it for a little longer than feels comfortable at first. It won't take long before this habit becomes the norm for you and it stops feeling odd. When you do look away, make sure its not down at your feet as that's a clear sign of submission.

Always smell nice and no we don't mean musky! Wear a distinctive aftershave that suits you (ask your friends or family if you don't know which brand suits you best). Don't put too much on though, just enough so when you walk past someone they double take, not choke!  

Don't ramble
Talk slowly, clearly and with purpose. Make every word count, and if your telling a story leave pauses to build up suspense. Nervous people tend to ramble and talk too fast.

Get your swag on
Walk like you totally own the place no matter where you are. No skulking or shuffling, instead strut your stuff like Mick Jagger on stage! Head up, straight back, swagger and ooze confidence.

If you want to ask a girl to dance, avoid; 'Can I dance with you?' and try something friendly like 'Come on, this song's brilliant let's dance!'... it's not a command but is harder to say no to.
Also after a dates gone well and you're getting great vibes, don't ask 'can I kiss you' (how very 1950s...) instead lean in for a peck and go from there. If you don't get a reaction leave it there, if she leans in there is no harm in trying for more.

Open body language
Like your new swagger, if you feel comfortable and confident you'll come across that way (even if inside your nervous). Stay in control by looking and acting relaxed - which means no crossed legs or arms. Instead have an open body language at all times.

Think about cheeky Robbie Williams and the smirk he has. Women love it! James Bond, again never pulls a cheesy teeth bearing smile, more a sultry half smile. Practise practise practise!

You might feel embarrassed trying some of these tips at first but its worth the effort to become more confident. Now all you need to do is get over to Flirtify and arrange a date....

1 comment:

  1. Having confidence is must. I just love the post. I was searching for the inspirational keynote speaker when I found this blog post. I really admire the efforts you have made.
