Romance in Star Wars: Looking for love in Alderaan places...

Here at Flirtify, we love Star Wars and we don’t care who knows it! The great thing about the whole film franchise - apart from the epic lightsaber battles and spaceships – is that it touches on every aspect of our lives (bear with us)… Strip away the laser blasts, aliens and evil Sith overlords, then it’s basically a good old-fashioned story of life, loss and love. And, believe it or not the Star Wars films can teach us a lot about romance; especially what to do and what not to do – like not kissing your twin brother, for example. So, for the purpose of this analysis, and so as not to upset those die-hard, over-analysing fans, we’ll concentrate our romantic force-field on the film plots only – including the crappy prequels – and explore rebel romances in a galaxy far, far away...

1. Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker
Ever been embroiled in a love triangle between your long-lost twin brother and a bad-boy Corellian pilot? Well… you don’t want to be!

OK, so the plot twist in Return Of The Jedi was a bit of a cop-out by Lucas, but let’s not take anything away from sci-fi’s first couple – Han & Leia. The archetypal love story of a scoundrel and a princess is as old as Yoda himself, but still never fails to Endor (endure… come on!) The cheeky banter between the handsome space pirate and the royal damsel in distress during The Empire Strikes Back is typical playground affection. Now, we’re not suggesting you get involved in a Stormtrooper shootout, but it’s important to keep romance fun and flirty!

And, who could forget the most romantic scene of any Star Wars film – perhaps of any film EVER! Our lovable Han Solo is mere seconds away from being frozen in carbonite forever when his beloved, sharp-shooting princess, screams “I love you!” In the original script, Solo was supposed to reply back with the same, but on set, “I love you, too” just didn’t feel right. Instead, Harrison Ford improvised with, “I know” and little sci-fi hearts around the world exploded! It’s really the only thing Han Solo would’ve said and reminds us of dating rule number 1… it’s ok to be vulnerable, but also... be cool.

2. Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala
 Eeek! It’s the awkward prequel relationship meets George Lucas…

So, the task of creating a prequel trilogy to match the Original trilogy was always going to be tricky. Episodes IV, V & VI established that Darth Vader (Anakin) fathered twins Luke and Leia. However, a backstory whereby a young slave pod-racer turns into a super-evil super villain, whilst fathering two children, was always going to be awkward… and many fans were not happy!

Although their on-screen chemistry is about as deep as pool of Hutt slobber, that’s largely down to the awful dialogue and paper-thin plot. However, the fundamental relationship between two deeply troubled souls is something we can all relate to! Far from being star-crossed lovers, instead what we see in Episode II is a love borne out of two severely dysfunctional people who only have each other to confide in. Their shared life experiences; troubled childhood, identity crisis, social rejection and inner turmoil bring them together and, eventually, tear them apart… deep, eh? So what can we learn? Basically, everyone has baggage in some form or another, but that doesn’t mean you should force-choke them on a lava planet! And, there's someone for everyone here at Flirtify.

3. C-3PO and R2-D2

These are the droids you're looking for...
No film saga would be complete without a bit of man-love and in Star Wars we get the ultimate bromance! Like Maverick and Iceman, but with more wires, C-3P0 and R2-D2 forge perhaps the strongest relationship of any Star Wars characters. The fact that they’re 2 of only 4 characters that make an appearance in all 6 films and the only two played by the same actors, means they’re kind of a big deal!

From the opening scene in Episode IV the two misfit droids are seen squabbling like a married couple. Immediately we know they are good friends and this is something we can all identify with. One is reckless and always unwittingly finds himself in a near-death situation, whilst the other is sensible and intelligent, eventually saving them both from harm.

We all need a good mate to poke fun at every once in a while, but deep down we are safe in the knowledge that when faced with mortal danger - or an intergalactic power struggle between good an evil - we would do anything to save them. The force is strong with these two and, what’s the one type of boat they can never, ever sink? A friendship!

So for this intrepid space traveller, you can forget Love Actually, The Notebook or Titanic. If you want a real Rom-Com experience to leave you feeling teary-eyed and warm-at-heart then nothing compares to 13 hours 25 minutes of the complete Star Wars Saga! If you have half a day to spare, then a rollercoaster ride of anger, love, hate, and alien space battles awaits!

May the force be with you...

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