It accounts for one in every five new relationships and one in six marriages. So we think it’s fair to say that Online Dating is here to stay!

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But with so many potential dates communicating online, is there a knack to creating the perfect profile?
A recent study suggests so and has revealed a couple of things you can do to better your chances online… researchers at Queen Mary University in London have found that using a playful screen name beginning with a letter near the start of the alphabet, counts for (wait for it)… just as much as an attractive photo!
The study also revealed women are most attracted to names who give the impression of intelligence such as ‘Cultured’ whilst men respond to names more that suggest a more physical appearance like ‘Blondie’ or ‘Cute’.
Although they advise steering clear of words like ‘Little’ or ‘Bug’ as these are often linked with being inferior and passive resulting in less attention and interest. Instead light-hearted screen names, such as ‘GoodFun11’, are seen to be much more likely to result in messages and that all-important date.
So what about beyond the screen name?
Are there any words and phrases we should be using to make ourselves more attractive to the opposite sex online…
A different study revealed that including your hobbies is a great idea and helps the prospective dates get to know you a little better (it’s also a great way for you to see if they’ve taken the time to read your profile when you receive an ice breaker too). Some interests are more appealing though, words such as; ‘skiing’, ‘yoga’ and ‘the ocean’ help men get dates; whilst ‘running’ and ‘dance’ help women.
So that’s hobbies, what about interests…
If you The Great Gatsby, Pulp Fiction and Homeland then DO mention it, liking any of these popular films is a plus point but DON’T fib. The last thing you want is for your date to ask what you thought when Brody was interrogated by Peter Quinn and you to reply with a shocked 'WHO?'
Girls, females, ladies – it’s a minefield!
Guys who refer to the opposite sex as ‘females’ or ‘women’ rather than ‘girls’ are unsurprisingly more likely to find a date, as are men who use the word ‘whom’.
And pets…
There is a lot more to consider when it comes to introducing your beloved pet online – things can get hairy, pardon the expression! But if you insist on including your furry friend try using ‘cats’ not ‘my cats’ and when it comes to dogs use ‘my dog’ rather than naming them directly.
Here are some additional must know tips… Use a photo
Profiles with pictures receive 16 times more responses than those without. Update your photo depending on the season but avoid the flash – research shows they age us by 7 whole years OUCH!
Look at the camera
...but only if you’re a woman. Women who look directly into the camera for their profile picture receive far more responses than women who look away. But for men it’s the other way around – we don’t know why but we will find out!
Include your more sociable interests…
...not that you like your own space and once did a four day Homeland marathon (good interest but a bad way to mention it!). Let people know what you like to do so they can imagine themselves being a part of your life too.
Be upbeat profile
Imagine you're talking to someone who you like who you want to like you too, someone who you’ve just met and would like to meet again.
Don’t be afraid of the emoji
Smiley face emojis work well – apparently that well that people who use them have more sex! More to come on this later in the week.
Ok so Pulp Fiction, women, Foo Fighters, fun, happy, cutie, running (if you don’t already go buy some trainers immediately), yoga and no flash photography – GOT IT!
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