Could Mark Zuckerberg Transform Your Love Life?

So it seems an ill-fitting t shirt and jeans equal success in today’s dog eat dog world. 

No we’re not talking about Simon Cowell, although he fits the bill! We’re talking about Facebook’s  CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, who when asked about his signature look: a plain ill-fitting, grey T-shirt and jeans replied; 'I feel like I'm not doing my job if I spend any energy on things that are silly or frivolous.'

This outlook it seems has a following, from President Obama donning his navy suit day in day out, to Victoria Beckham’s black assembles. We live in a world where there are so many decisions to be made - and it’s only going to get worse.

So, what if we applied the same principle to dating?

It’s true we’re all suffering from decision fatigue: from the 'swipe right or left' to choosing which party to grace this weekend - we live in a world of endless choice.

What if we do as Mark Zuckerberg and eliminate any energy spent of decisions that aren’t deemed crucial, throw caution to the wind and say yes to dates we would normally rule out based on our very specific preferences? 

The internet is so effectively making our decisions for us with ‘you may also like’ and not showing us potential matches based on our preferred height or hair colour criteria that we could actually be missing out!?

The biggest risk is 
not taking any risks... 
In a world that's changing 
really quickly, the only 
strategy that is guaranteed 
to fail is not taking risks 
- Mark Zuckerberg
Don’t get me wrong, been asked for our preferences is a wonderful tool in lots of ways. If you want to find someone who likes the same things you do, has the same passions, or shares your love of pets etc., but how about just once turning off the filters (from height & weight to hobbies & beliefs) and give someone that you’d otherwise not even know of a chance. 

You never know what might happen! 

Make this December one to remember with Flirtify


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