One for the Girls: First Kiss Territory

So, you’ve had an amazing time, the chemistry was there and the sparks were flying! Do you think this could be a ‘goodnight’ kiss kinda night? So just how do you secure that all-important first kiss?

There is no winning formula, but there are things you can do to let your date know you’re interested…

If you're hoping for a goodbye pucker up:
·         DO maintain eye contact. Looking elsewhere or past your date is a telltale sign you’re ready to call it a night.
·         DON'T go in for a hug – this may be too friend-like and could undermine his plans to lean in. Instead, keep talking and wait for him to make a bolder move.
·         DON'T say “good night”. Although it’s tempting to fill the silence, this also signals that there is nothing left to do. Instead, try "I had fun" or “I’m really glad we did this”.
·         DO if he still hasn’t made a move, initiate a kiss - on his cheek. Linger for a minute as you make eye contact on your way back. He’ll take it from there.
Sadly, not all dates go this well! If you and your date aren’t attracted to each other, spent most of the time in an awkward silence and have absolutely nothing in common, the chances are he feels the same and isn’t in this for a farewell smooch either. But just to be sure…

·       DO smile and extend your hand. A handshake at the end of a date is the universally polite but also an unmistakable sign for, “It wasn’t a pleasure, and I don’t think we’ll be seeing each other again.”
·       DON'T fib. If you’re asked if you’d like to go out again saying yes to avoid an uncomfortable conversation could backfire and lead to an even more awkward moment later on.
·       DO keep your distance.
·       DON'T be mean. You aren’t attracted to him, and that’s probably enough heartbreak for one evening.
Find the one to share that first kiss with at Flirtify!



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