Do you make 'The Grade'?

One of the problems with dating apps like Tinder and Hinge (we say one, because there’s plenty) is a lack of accountability – a lot of people simply use it as a hook up site and poof they’re gone, never to be seen again.

Simply put it's just too easy to be a complete jerk and continue to get away with it.
So what do we do about it? Well in an attempt to eliminate the bad apples from online dating there is a new dating app on the scene which allows users to leave reviews.

The Grade, launched last year aims to provide a dating service ‘creep’ free, and therefore more women friendly – their words not ours.

 While this idea might make sense, it still comes with its own set of concerns. But all these boil down to one main question: how do you stop falsely negative review, mistaken identity, horrid comments and those exes? How do you stop people from trashing someone they have a grudge against?

To get around this The Grade won’t allow any freeform text and instead will ask questions like, “Is this a ‘quality’ person?" That's it.

The thinking is that combing through a dating app to leave one bad “yes/no” user review on your ex doesn’t seem particularly fun, even for the most vindictive among us!

The Grade then takes the sum of all these “yes/no” answers and gives your profile a grade.
So far we’re told 85% of the reviews have been positive – but would you risk it?

Makers think, in some form, that this is the next logical step of dating apps. Someone has to deal with the fact that dating apps often devolve into an intensely hostile place for women, we were told.

What do you think - would you want people to be able to rate you as a date for all the world to see?

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