The Things you Shouldn't Say...

The internet is packed with helpful hints, tips and how to guides – they’re everywhere!
Everyone is eager to share their nuggets of wisdom, but there's a very fine line between 'nuggets of wisdom' and 'telling people what to do’, especially when it comes to dating someone new. 

The best advice? Be yourself of course! However, if you’re looking for something a little more substantial than that, then here are eight things you may want to stop and think about before saying them out loud to your bf/gf...

Because if you say them, well, the term ‘bf/gf’ might be a bit strong! So, think before saying...

My ex was amazing
Well, this one is obvious! In fact, it’s not just your ex. This applies to anyone you’ve ever been in bed with – it’s just rude and makes for a very uncomfortable silence. Don’t go the opposite way either though and insult them – you’ll look equally daft.

How good you were in bed
No one should do this – no one should ever talk about how good they were with someone else to the person they're trying to get with!

Past behaviour doesn't reflect who you are now
People can change, however, if you’re that worried about it they should probably know – saying this is only going to worry someone and chances are they’ll think it’s a lot worse than it actually is. 

Lie about your number
If someone asks how many people you have slept with, tell them how many people you have slept with. Being surprised or taken aback is one thing, but if they really can't cope, then find someone who can cope. Unless it's 42,000,000,000, in which case, give them way more time because that's just worrying. 

Any reference to size
It’s just good manners, isn't it? Ps. this applies to men and women!
Some people love knowing how many guys a girl has slept with. Some hate it. Some deal well with the fact their current partner is friends with all their exes. Some hate it. There are no rules other than the ones we make ourselves.

Be yourself, love Flirtify x


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