GET 20% OFF TODAY - take that Blue Monday!

We’ve been reliably informed that today is known as ‘Blue Monday’ – the most depressing day of the year, apparently.

Here at Flirtify, we’re not so sure about that...

We’re firm believers that if you take the time to look, there’s always something to smile about. Luckily for you, you don’t have to spend too long searching – join Flirtify today and get a delightful 20% OFF any of our membership packages when you use 'BLUEMONDAY'
That’s definitely something to get you grinning – who doesn’t enjoy a good discount?!
Join Flirtify today!

... if we’re honest, we don’t like the sound of ‘Blue Monday’... unless it involves swimming in a blue lagoon off the east coast of Australia. So next year we’re taking it upon ourselves to officially change ‘Blue Monday’ to ‘Blooming Good Monday’ – much better!


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