5 Tinder Nightmares to Stop you Swiping Forever…








 “Any swipe could change your life” – if by ‘change your life’ Tinder actually means, ‘scar you for life’ then we’d be more inclined to say their tagline was true!

Renowned for its fast-food styled approach to dating, Tinder has provided many a user with some interesting first exchanges with potential suitors – some harmlessly cheesy, others grossly offensive/misogynistic/racist and others… well, just downright strange.

If you need any more convincing to start avoiding free dating apps, the following pictures of Tinder’s finest should do the trick! Our friends over at The Debrief have put together an entertaining blog featuring some of the more hilarious messages.

Try your best not to get too hot under the collar when reading through these fine examples of romantic Shakespearian prose…

 Everyone loves a bad boy!

 At least he's showing some creativity...

Personal hygiene is a very nice quality in a man - that's a tick for Sam!

Right... strangest one so far!

LOL. Farts.

You get what you pay for, as the saying goes!

Avoid having your own ‘Tinder Nightmare’ and meet someone new today with Flirtify!

P.S. We suggest you stay clear of these chat up lines. Funnily enough, they don’t work very well…

1 comment:

  1. I find it pretty ironic that Tinder has broken the unspoken rule of mobile/internet dating in its Twitter tirade - don't triple text!
